Pastry chef: job description
Pastry chef definition: a pastry chef or pâtissier is a professional cook specializing in the creation, production and decoration of pastries, cakes, desserts, breads and other baked products in bakeries, cafés, restaurants and hotels, etc. Read on to discover the qualifications and skills...

Ice Cream Maker Job Description
Ice cream maker definition: a professional chef specialized in the making of a range of chilled products from scratch including ice cream, sorbets and frozen desserts. They may also make plated desserts, ice-sculptures and iced decorations. Below we explore all of the elements of a...

Chocolatier: job description
Put simply, a chocolatier can be defined as someone who makes and sells confectionery made from chocolate. They may be responsible for the whole process from start to finish, from devising a recipe, through to making the product, and finally packaging, displaying and selling. Read on to...

Baker: job description
The role of the baker spans a range of professional settings, from small-scale, independent artisanal bakeries and patisseries, to tea rooms and cake shops, cafes and restaurants, and bread counters in supermarkets. So how long does it take to become a professional baker? And what does it take?...